In Romania


“Immediate Surroundings”

At Liceul Teoretic “Ion Neculce”

In Targu-Frumos, Iasi, ROMANIA
21-25 of May, 2012

                                Midyat Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)

                            Tapa Gümnaasium (Estonia)

                               Istituto di Istruzione Superiore L. Luzzatti (Italy)

                               Escola Secundaria de Cacilhas-Tejo (Portugal)

                               IES Llanera (Spain)

                               I.I.S.S. De Gemmis di Terlizzi (Italy)

Project meeting:    

On the 21st of May, the project meeting started with an arranged tour of Iasi city, the cultural capital of Romania, where the participants had an overview of the culture and daily lives of the inhabitants. Teachers and students visited the oldest university in the country, they had a tour of the most important park in the city and they were able to tour different museums and areas related to the Romanian culture and history.

On the 22nd of May, the formal opening ceremony of the meeting was held at Liceul Teoretic “Ion Neculce” in Targu-Frumos. Here the participants visited the school facilities, the school’s museum and the Green Corner (recycling system). The visiting students were able to spend time in classes with their Romanian hosts and the teachers attended an English class. After that, all the groups presented their plans for the Green Project, they were all very interesting and ready to be put into practice. After lunch, the participants were taken to visit an old and interesting palace, “Miclauseni”, where the natural environment has been well protected so far. They were able to walk in the forest and to visit a beautiful monastery where they were served with a special tea made by special plants from that particular area.
On the 23rd of May, the participants were taken to visit some beautiful mountain areas where they could experience the beauty of the nature. They have seen Piatra Neamt city, where they could take the gondola to admire the beautiful scenery, then they visited the Bicaz area, Cheile Bicazului and the Red Lake where the natural environment offered them a wonderful landscape. This experience helped them to remember once again about the importance of protecting the natural areas.

On the 24th of May, the working session started in the morning at school: the students attended some classes with their hosts, the teachers had a short meeting and then, all the participants attended the last power-point presentations. After that, the teachers had their last formal meeting where they have discussed about the last details of the project, about the website and the final report. Before lunch, the delegations were invited at the City Hall where the mayor welcomed them and told them some information about the life and the culture of the city Targu-Frumos. After the festive lunch, all the groups presented the most memorable moments of the project, everyone received certifications and small gifts and in the end the Romanian students tried to present small “pieces of culture” (songs and dances) they have learned from their partners in the last 2 years.

On the 25th of May, three delegations departed and the others had the opportunity to visit again Iasi city and the surroundings, while the students spent their day with the host families.


-       All the meetings scheduled in the application form took place successfully;
-       All the activities have been done according to the plan;
-       Each school has done its work for the project according to the schedule;
-       The website and the blogs contain almost all the work done so far and they remain open to be completed with any material related to the project.
-       The final report will be filled in by every school and after we will agree that all the information is correct, they will be sent to the National Agencies;
-       The teachers and the students communicated successfully and they will remain friends for a long time J

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