The Adventure Begins...
I was rushing up the stairs in school one rainy morning when I was stopped by our English teacher Mrs Rita Püümann who inquired about my writing skills. Since I’m already a high school student I grinned and was about to make some silly comment on her question when I saw another teacher approaching, the one to whose class I was nine minutes late. The teachers went their way and Mrs Püümann told me to come by her classroom later.
A couple of days later I found myself in the Media Class where I was assigned the role of the reporter of the Comenius Project. The room was full of students, even some teachers had come. I was surprised to hear about the project, its basis, undertakings and outcomes. The co-ordinator of the project gave good reasons why participate in this project. There is hardly anyone who would not benefit from the opportunity to broaden the mind, getting to know different cultures, group work, and developing language skills. Wouldn’t it be nice to visit exotic countries such as Spain, Portugal, Turkey or Romania? Through this project we get to visit the partner schools in other countries and have them visit us, which helps to build friendships, gives us new opportunities and challenges.
At the moment we are doing preparations such as designing the logo and starting a nature club. Green thinking is one of the key words of the project. In March next year we will attempt to launch a recycling system within our school and organize various events to raise environmental awareness. In April we are planning on showing an English language play (arranged by Mrs Elle Paju) in our partner schools via Skype. It will probably be an environment related play. In May our goal will be producing a conceptual design for renovating a building in Tapa according to green thinking. We will also have an exhibition of the items made throughout the project in May. If everything goes as planned, in February we will go to Spain, in May to Portugal and in September to Romania and other places.
At the end of this term we are expecting guests from our partner schools to visit us. We are looking forward to hosting them.
Maryliis Teinfeldt
Translate by Anna Kivisild
Here is video about Estonian Team